

Desinfetante concentrado com Cloreto de Benzalcônio 20%

Posologia e modo de usar

Before applying the product, wash the facilities and utensils to be disinfected.

In this way, organic matter and grease are removed, which may inhibit the action of the product;

Remove all the soap used in the previous wash;

Apply the diluted product;

Let the product act for 15 minutes after the application;

There is no need to remove the product.


Vial of 1L


Ideal for disinfecting: Medical offices, Surgical centers, Kennels and catteries, Bath and grooming, Transport boxes,Backyards

É a Divisão veterinária da União Química Farmacêutica Nacional, empresa brasileira com mais de 88 anos de história no mercado farmacêutico.

Avenida Magalhães de Castro, 4.800
16º andar - Conjuntos 161 e 162
Edifício Continental Tower
05676-120 / São Paulo-SP

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